The Role of the Learning Support and Development Co-ordinator
•Chairs the Learning Support and Development committee
•Represents the Committee on the County Executive
•Represents Devon on the South West Region Learning & Development Committee
Adult Support Teams
Adult Support is an important section of Devon's County Organisation and is made up of five teams. The Co-ordinators of each of the teams form the Learning, Support & Development Committee. These teams are:
•Leader Development Programme
•Trainings and Events
•Membership support
The Role of the Leadership Support and Development Committee
•Supports Leaders by keeping them up to date with new programmes and new initiatives by means of training sessions; conference events and direct communication
•Supports the Leader in Training Co-ordinators and their team in the Administration of the Qualification and helps support the training for mentors
•Supports and provides training opportunities for Qualified Trainers and Prospective Trainers
•Supports and provides training opportunities for Commissioners and Commissioner Mentors
•The Committee is a forum for the advancement of Guiding Development within Devon; It forwards recommendations to the County Executive Committee
Useful Information
Basic Food Hygiene Courses are offered see Members' Pages/Training, for e-mail details of who to contact for details.
Training for First Response and Safe Space are also offered regularly.
Division and District Local Trainings
Trainers are available to go out into Division upon request.
Frequently Asked Questions
I would like to know more about becoming a Trainer - where can I find this information?
Devon's Training Team consists of seven South West Trainers. If you are interested in finding out how to become a Trainer, contact is initially made with Girlguiding whose website is below:
How can we request a trainer to come and train in our Division?
Your Division Commissioner or a member of her team can contact a trainer of your choice directly.
I am a qualified leader and I am considering becoming a Mentor, how can I find out more?
Contact your County Leader in Training Co-ordinator for your area. She could arrange for someone to come to your Division to talk to a group about mentoring and pass your name onto the mentoring team.
If you have any further questions that I can help with, do contact me and If I can't answer a question, I will find someone who can.
e-mail me on -